Денис Торгашов-Мартьяновmastermaster



This is your influence card. The more influence you have, the more advantage you get in the game!


How to get more influence cards:

  • Invent and publish news. One piece of news gives you + 1 influence

Where? Go to BBC Press Centre.

  • Purchase (buy) goods, businesses and luxuries, and build social objects (schools, churches…) Each object will give you one or more influence cards.

Where?  Go to the shop.

  • Take part in TV debates. The winner gets + 5 influence. The loser gets + 1.  Both the winner and the loser will be paid $ for taking part.

How? Go to BBC Press Centre.


How to use your influence:

  • Get the professional stock prices forecast for the next year - pay 2 influence cards.
  • Make your news “Breaking News” (influences stock prices much more!) – costs 1 or more influence. Ask the BBC press-centre.
  • Get a loan in the bank. The more cards you’ll give away, the more $$ the banker will give you. 

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь.

Добавить запись

Чтобы написать в текущий раздел, необходимо стать зарегистрированным пользователем.

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