Денис Торгашов-Мартьяновmastermaster


This shop works non-stop, at any time offering you a variety of goods: luxury objects, social objects and even scientists!

The assortment will be renewed several times, so come back for new goods.

  • Some goods have a fixed price, while others will be auctioned, so their price is the starting price and may change.
  • The more goods you buy, the more likely you are to win. In addition, some goods will give you influence – and that will help you in the game, so get as much of it as you can!
  • If you purchased (bought) a car, a house or an island, or another luxury object, you can later pawn it HERE in the shop and get money for it.
  • Social objects cannot be pawned!

If you purchase a scientist, he will improve some industries (their shares will go up in price!) The rules are written on the scientists’ cards.

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