Денис Торгашов-Мартьяновmastermaster


Why take part in tv-debates?

  • Taking part in the debates will give you lots of fun, money  and – influence! The winner of the debates will get 5 influence cards + some money, the loser will get one influence.

How do I take part in the debates?

  • The debate statements will be hung up in the pub.
  • You can invent your own statement (show it to the Editor-in-Chief  - Kate - first).
  • If you want to take part in the debates, tell the BBC Editor-in-Chief  (Kate). We will then find an opponent for you, and you will have some time to prepare your lines of argumentation for or against the statement (as you choose).
  • You must invent 3 – 5 arguments to support your line.
  • When ready, you will be let into the TV studio for a live recording of the show.
  • The Debate will be watched by the audience. The audience will vote for the best debater. The winner will be publicly announced awarded after the debates. The losing side will get a small compensation anyway.

Go on – express your position! Debate and win!

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